You should always keep your car regularly serviced and in a road/track worthy condition, but for the avoidance of doubt please note the following requirements and recommendations: In the case of road cars - the vehicle must conform to MOT minimum standards for road use or Motorsport UK current safety regulations for track cars. All cars must have working seat belts/harness regardless of age and fit their towing eye. The car must be in good condition both mechanically and bodily and suitable for its intended use on the track. It is your duty to ensure that the vehicle remains in this condition for the duration of the activity, in the interests of your safety and the safety of others at the circuit. Open wheels/single seater chassis are not permitted, nor vehicles exceeding 1.85m in height. If MSVT deem the vehicle not in keeping with the event booked it reserves the right to exclude the vehicle without refund.
All vehicles must be 'closed-wheel' for track day events. Open wheels/single seater chassis are not permitted. All cars must have working seat belts regardless of age. The bodywork and chassis should be checked and in good condition. Vehicles must not exceed 1.85m in height.
Must be in good condition and check pressures. Do remember to allow your tyres a chance to warm up. Slicks are permitted on General Track Days unless otherwise stated. A Motorsport UK approved roll cage must be fitted when using slicks.
Make sure that you know where your towing eye is located. Towing eyes need to be fitted prior to sighting laps.
In good condition and best to check them occasionally through the event.
Your engine will be under greater use than normal. Check all belts and fluid levels are correct.
A simple tool kit is handy to have with you but before you go on the circuit make sure that you remove everything from the car that is not firmly fixed down. Also make sure you remove everything from the boot of the car. In some cases this also means the spare wheel.
Lights must be in working order. Brake lights or rain light must be on the car.
This is permitted to the car only, as long as in-car cameras and other equipment are safely and securely attached to the car using mounting systems specifically designed for that purpose and not obscuring the drivers vision. Professional 'designed specifically for the purpose' suction mounts/adhesive mounts need a secondary secure fixing such as a tether. The event team do reserve the right to insist on adjustments or refuse use of the equipment if they deem it unsuitable/unsafe.
You must ensure that you have enough fuel at the start of each session. You are likely to use around three times as much fuel as normal road driving. If you run out on track your car will be removed to a safe position. This is an unnecessary disruption for other track users too.
Insurance is not compulsory and is your choice. It is unlikely that your normal car insurance policy will insure you. There are several specialist companies who provide track day insurance.